August 22, 2003
The Wolf With The Blazing Eyes

I should really be in bed, but I have two updates to write before I feel like I can really kick back.

I went to the first football game of the season with Christian tonight. We sat near the top of the bleachers with people we knew well enough that our presence was not too odd and not well enough that there was no expectation for conversation. So we ranted and complained and bitched.

I honestly was hoping to go into the year with more of a positive attitude and less of this judgmental stuff I am using to build walls between myself and other people. I am going to give the rosiness another try when school actually starts, no need to waste good will on athletics, right?

One of my sarcastic comments/conclusions is that I was not meant to be born in Ohio. I have no appreciation for football and all of the other stuff. We bought a wolf for our team that has eyes that light up red and smoke comes out of its snot enough for you to ask "What the fuck is going on here?" but no so much to blind the opposing team long enough that we could score a touchdown.

Realizing that we preferred to talk without worrying about offending others or assembling some kind of privacy, Christian and I went to Mardi Gras to get ice cream and walk around the parking lot talking. We went back to my house to watch Wonder Boys but we ended up talking a good deal through the beginning of it, so we declared it a lost cause and decided to just talk.

Thomas (the boyfriend) called :). My thoughts on that are going in the locked section, though.

The excellent news is I told my book idea to my AP European teacher and he told me he thought it was an extremely interesting idea, but I would have to be a little more specific and write a clear introduction on what my intended purpose and some other aspects of the work. When I first thought of the idea I thought being a high school student would be an asset, but the more I think about it the more I think it would be better for me to shelf this until I get to college and have a university help me get the cooperation I need for the project to be successful. I could even get some government funding or something.

So for now the idea is on the shelf. I told two other people and I do not think they will be stealing from me, if only because it did not interest them as much as it did me.

Hot-ish news, my school's team lost 19 to 0. Ouch. Those poor guys, it is hard to feel good after a game like that. At least they have their wolf....



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