September 12, 2003
Bend It Happy

I am reluctant to write diary entries on September 11th only because I feel an obligation to write about the tragedy in some fashion. I do not have much of anything new to say on it except that I enjoyed an op-ed in the New York Times today talking about how September 11th is being used for political positioning. The most interesting point that should have been to obvious to me was the example of Bush using the tragedy as an explanation or contributing factor to every challenge the United States has faced in his presidency from the economy to Iraq. Give him time and he may be able to explain its connection to the California gubanatorial race.

Ahnold. Wow. Just wow.

I love the movie Bend it Like Beckham, it was the kind of pick-me-up that I needed even if parts of it were predictable. Culture clashes and traditions are always fascinating to me. There is something comforting about movies about sports for me, too. Whenever I feel a little defeated by my own actions or the influence of others it is nice to see the good guys win. And to know that it will happen because that is just how the world is supposed to be in most of those movies.

Yesterday while procrastinating on some homework I was dismayed to find that the only band aids I have are quite boring. Usually I purchase kids' band aids because they have Elmo or other interesting elements on their surface but we were all out, so I painted a clear band aid with nail polish and filled in the spaces with a blue pen during my Biology class. My snazzy drew for me a good deal of attention and some ridicule, especially in my Latin class.

I had to explain the band aid's purpose was to prevent me from scratching a bug bite and one friend of mine accused me of having no self-discipline. I like to think of it of knowing when I need re-enforcement. Later on he started scratching the band aid, which made my bug bite itch. It was slighlty odd because I can count on one hand with room to spare the number of people I am touchy-feely with or even allow to have the impression that they can do that kind of thing with me.

I have what should be my final list of colleges that I am applying to, which reads in no particular order: Georgetown, Northwestern, Pratt, Barnard, Ohio University, Emerson, Syracuse, and Smith.

Cave had predicted I would be applying to twenty-four colleges. I must not hide my indecisive nature at all.

I finally finished my journalism layout. It looks good thanks to Emily and me. It turns out that we more than surpassed expectations by getting the job finished completely by coming in on off periods and working extremely hard in class. There was a lot of stress and I probably want to take a break before I do another one unless I get to inflict corporal punishment for not formatting an article correctly.



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