July 4, 2004
More Sequins Leads to More Happiness

Today when I was in the shower I noticed how long my nails have grown and how annoying that is. Most remarkable is the length of my nails on my index fingers, which I could never get to grow when I was younger. When I was younger I wanted long nails and tried to grow them out, but wouldn't you know that my index finger was always terminally stubby. I used to keep my nails short for guitar and piano, now it just seems easier to keep them that way. I never notice that my nails are too long until I am in the shower, though, and I hate cutting my nails AFTER I shower because they stick to everything.

Welcome to the tragedies of suburbia, right?

When it comes down to it, I think I may just be a simple, gossipy girl at heart. Tonight Kara and I were working on decorating stuff for her neighborhood July 4th party (meanwhile I have not done a thing for mine), which allowed me to play with all kinds of ribbons. I also discovered how amazing double-sided tape is. I remember when I was younger (this seems to be turning into a theme) I always wanted to find the tape so I could make these wrap headbands in the American Girl magazines. I never could find the stuff. Today, though, I realized just how amazing it is.

Even better than ribbons is bunches of silver stars on wire. The best part of all of my holiday costumes for my high school dances was always my use of decorations in new, creative, oh-so-exciting ways. Nothing like a crown of green clover wire, I always say, especially if Christian is going to buy me the tackiest and thus most wonderful clover clip-on earrings to go with it. G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S.

A couple of nights ago I received a bunch of stuff from Smith, including instructions on how to try to put together some kind of plan for my course selections for next year. It was both exciting and heartbreaking at the same time: essentially, there is so much I want to take and I am hesitant to go a year without math, but I do not know what else to do if I want to try to go to Germany, major in Government, and keep myself happy with creative writing courses. My dream right now is to take at least one government class per semester and a creative writing course to compliment it. I decided to start off with short stories over poetry only because poetry is so personal and I do not know if I want to plunge into the "depths of my soul" on Day 1.

It really seems like more of a day 17 activity, I guess.

The best part of helping Kara out with all of the decorations is it reminded me that the main reason I want to have friends is I like having people I can sit with on the floor, talking and generally relaxing. No worries about being offensive or any other thigns to keep me self-conscious, but at the same time I was never bored. Last night at Spiderman 2 Christian kept on telling me his criticisms, leaning over and saying "No offense..." until I pointed out to him not only that it was humorous that he said that, but also that he need not worry about offending me.

After the movie Kara gave me her graduation gifts and they're amazing. What I love the most is a journal she bought me from Barnes & Noble that I told myself I could purchase if I finished my current journal before the summer is out. Haha, I do not have to be a good girl now. It's bright and cute, with blues and light greens, buttons, and sequins. I love journals with sequins: I can never wear the things on my clothing and only occasionally on shoes, but sequin detailing on just about anything else melts my heart. Just look at my purse and art projects. I have to add flash wherever I can.



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