August 1, 2003
The Brilliant, Coolest Girl (ha)

Northwestern Entry

Originally posted on August 1, 2003

Last night I was up 'til 2:30 (am) finishing poems for a workshop and critiquing 30 other poems. While there is definitely fatigue in my limbs my eyes do not want to close quite yet and I want to write a bit about what is going on

People here continue to be incredibley nice. After class today I was hanging out with Sam, Jeff, and Shayne in Jeff's room. At lunch Jeff and I had been discussing how much we loved Andrew #1's poetry and our thoughts on the work of other people too. A few nights before we had started to talk about life philosophy but our conversation was cut short by the way our seating worked out. I was walking past his door while he was hanging out with Sam when he waved me in and called me by name.

Shayne soon followed me in and she ended up telling me that I was the coolest girl in our class. Jeff readily agreed, "especially for talking", and I have to say it felt fantastic. I love whatever it is about this place that makes it so most of us feel so comfortable that we do not have to be constantly tearing each other down.

Because of my nerves about being workshopped I haven't eaten since lunch.

I have been telling a lot of people that my fear is that I would have too many cliches and some other things wrong with my work. Shayne tried to assure me that she was being sincere when she said that my line "Don�t step any closer lest we become incestuous" was brilliant. She said that poem was the best thing she had read from any of the people in the class so far. I learned last night that she is an amazing poet herself, so I feel highly honored.

Just a little while ago I was critiquing poems in Shayne and Annie's room (I am getting to like Annie the more I get to know her) when Jeff found me to assure me that he really liked what I wrote. While I love all the encouragement, I wonder if my personality is interfering with everyone's ability to look at my work. As far as I know I am really well liked by almost everyone in my class and that has to bear some influence on their reading.

One of the many highlights of the night, though, was when Creative Writing kicked Human Biology's ass. We talked smack beforehand and it was awesome that it paid off. We rock so hard, and actually our class is one of the most social/fun of any of them, if not the most. People come from all the other floors and classes to hang out with the Creative Writing kids.

It is just weird to be in the place so unfamiliar but also be so comfortable.



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