September 08, 2001
Blink-182 arrived, Chillin' with family friends, Halley, and Christian

Sorry, this will be a pretty short entry because I am so damn tired.

I woke up at about 8:30 because I had to babysit at around 10:00. It was my next door neighbor's again. I played Candyland, watched Anna dance in her minnie mouse dress, and other various activities. One of the kids was super-annoying. It's the only time I've wanted to use the phrase "indoor voices" in my life. He was just so loud! He woke Anna up from her nap, thus destroying a much-needed break because I was tired!!! Insensitive little jerk. Argh!

Came back, and my Blink 182 cd was in the mailbox! I was super-psyched.

Had family friends over, Christian, and Halley. It appears that my Saturday nights are just going to be hanging out with Halley and Christian. That sounds bad, but it's really honestly not. It's fun, I love them both. head really is going to hit the keyboard soon.



past the mission

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