April 6, 2002
Listening to John Mayer Too Much

Well everyone knows "everything in moderation." I know it too. The question is, why is it that whenever I find something lovely like a really good CD, all I want to do is listen to it over and over...which is in no way moderation? I'm going to make myself hate my CDs, but when I do I can always borrow one from someone else, fall in love with it.

I remember in 5th or 6th grade a group of friends and I were discussing Third Eye Blind (you remember those guys? The first album..."Never Let You Go" was whiney). Then one girl, Molly, was like, "Oh, I used to really like them, but I just got so sick of them I tossed the CD out my window!" then she made a motion of tossing a frisbee.

"No you didn't," my then-friend Andy said. Molly may've been his girlfriend at the time, but she was a little notorious for lying or at least "embellishing" stories.

She was indignant: "Yes I did! And my mom got really mad!" And then she went on to do an impression of her mom. Really mad.

It's interesting to remember the old elementary school days. When things were clear: who's annoying, who's desparate for attention, who's sincere, and who's really cute.

The cutest thing happened today at work. My favorite kids came in today (I love Sam and Bianca, especially Sam...a tiny little five year old with blond hair and brown eyes, even when he's mid-tantrum he's adorable). Last time they were there I was exchanging notes with them, and Bianca told me she still has them, then got a note out of her coat...it was a little card she made for me and Anne saying she missed us. She hadn't been there in a few weeks. Anyway, it was sweet.

This also brings back another elementary school story, because I'm sort of in a story telling mood while I wait for people to call me back (and it's in their best interest to do it soon!). One of my English teachers really came down on one of my friends using "Anyways" in her story. The sentence went something along the lines of, "Suzy really liked Timmy. Anyways, Suzy had a dog named Bobbo." My English teacher wrinkled her nose, "'Anyways' isn't a word. That must just be an Ohio thing." She was a weird lady, though I liked her. Some kid threw a spit ball at her and a whole bunch of make-up came off.

Well, one of those people contacted me, and I don't multi-task as well as much as I like to think.



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