July 26, 2004
Fences-Do They Make Good Neighbors? Discuss

Recycled from a comment I left on someone else's livejournal that quite fits my current state of mind:

The waiting is a torture of some kind. When I hang out with some friends, talking about college is still kind of an abstract concept, like one day getting married or whatever. With other friends it's just avoided all together and there is this odd distance; I think one of my close friends and I are unconsciously picking fights because it is easier to get angry at each other than acknowledge how much we are going to miss each other.

I've been looking forward to leaving here for so long, I think I've been running towards it and I've gathered so much speed that this waiting is like a small little fence to get over and I'm just lurching over it, with my arms out try to stay steady, but closer to toppling over, head-first.

past the mission

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