July 29, 2003
Still Alive at Northwestern

While I was at Northwestern I could not post my diary entries here. Now that I am home again I publish the entries for those who wish to read them, plus this way I get to keep them for my personal records.

This entry was originally written on July 29, 2003

Hopefully I will be writing another update in the very near future, but I wanted to update real quickly to make it clear I am still alive. Yep, my pulse is fine.

Things here are much busier than I anticipated. I have class from 8:30-2:30, homework for an hour-ish or so a night, and people swarming everywhere. In a good way. But I only hop on my computer when not much is going on or I am making like I am doing my homework. Otherwise I feel horrendously anti-social, even when it comes to updating this thing.

But the good news is I am writing, I am happy, and the people are EXTREMELY nice. There has only been one incident of bitchiness and it was not directed towards me or directly to the person causing the bitchiness.

So things are good. I just have to figure out a way to get more protein and more calcium. Lots of fruit in my system, though.



past the mission

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